Have Yourself a Super Sunday!
Super Bowl Sunday is almost here! No matter who you are rooting for, one thing is certain—it’s a day of epic snacking. Did you know Super Bowl Sunday is the second-biggest food day of the year, right behind Thanksgiving?
Why Eating Disorders Are Not Your Fault, and What You Can Do About Them Part 2
In my last blog we discussed a recent UCLA study that suggests loneliness can trigger cravings for calorie-dense foods; a response rooted in ancient human survival instincts.
Why Eating Disorders Are Not Your Fault, and What You Can Do About Them
Too many people assume that eating disorders and disordered eating are rooted in laziness or character flaws. These wide-spread assumptions often lead to fat-shaming and feelings of low self-worth. Sorry to say, they were wrong.
Responding vs Reacting
Here’s the scene: Sarah is at work, looking forward to[...]
Understanding Hunger and Fullness Cues: A Compassionate Guide to Listening to Your Body
In our fast-paced world, where diet culture and external expectations[...]
What’s Shame Got to Do with It? Part Two
Shame doesn’t just mess with our minds; it wreaks havoc on our bodies too. It can lead to depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, and sleep problems. Shame often drives substance abuse—most relevant for this blog—it is a common thread in eating disorders. Sorry to say, they were wrong.
What’s Shame Got to Do with It? Part One
When I was in early elementary school—around first or second grade—I visited a classmate’s house to play. We weren’t close, but our mothers thought we might hit it off. Sorry to say, they were wrong.
Wondering About The Wonder Drugs
Who doesn’t love an easy, quick fix for our most pressing issues? We have access to labor-saving artificial intelligence-generated shortcuts to help us create art and write letters. Alexa and Siri stand by with ready answers to any question.
Three Key Questions on the Way to an Empowering Relationship with Food
Between promoting my new book*, my day job working with patients, and the other important but uninteresting day-to-day chores that we all do without thinking, I certainly get what it’s like to feel overwhelmed from time to time.
Mindful Mentality, Affirmative Reality
I’ve often said that our relationship with food reflects our relationship with everything else in our lives—including our relationship with ourselves. So it makes sense that our relationship with food deserves a healthy dose of kindness, understanding, and a whole lot of self-compassion.
Got room on your bookshelf for something empowering?
I am thrilled to finally be able to say that my new book, Why Did I Just Eat That? How to Let Go of Emotional Eating and Heal Your Relationship with Food, is now available for presale.