NOTE: This page is meant for readers who have bought the Why Did I Just Eat That? book. If you haven’t purchased the book, we recommend getting a copy first. Click here to find out where you can purchase it
Resources for the book, Why Did I Just Eat That?
These printable versions of the quiz and workbook pages are provided to make it more convenient for you to embark on the transformational journey laid out in Lisa D. Ellis’s Why Did I Just Eat That?
Feel free to click on the Quiz to download and print a version to use. Once you have completed your quiz, the scoring instructions in book will help you know what workbooks below are appropriate for you.
To determine which workbook pages are appropriate for you, print out and complete the Awareness Quiz.
Then, refer to the “Scoring” instructions beginning at the bottom of
page 17 in your copy of Why Did I Just Eat That?